Forsker har set hundredvis af fladjords-videoer for at lære, hvordan konspirationsteorier bliver spredt

Press/Media: Press / Media

Description is Denmark’s leading popular science media, an independent source of daily news, features and other quality content. Our editorial staff covers science in the broadest sense – the social and human sciences as well as health, the natural sciences and technology. is a non-profit entity, connected to the Danish School of Media and Journalism and with an economy based on funding from various sources. The Ministry of Higher Education and Science is our main contributor, and we also receive support from research councils, private foundations and the Ministry of Culture.

A section at, Forskerzonen or the Researcher’s Zone, is dedicated to content produced by the scientists themselves, aided by our editors in their efforts to share their knowledge with the public. This section is sponsored by the Lundbeck Foundation.


Media contributions


Media contributions