Open access comes of age

  • Mikael Laakso
  • Patrik Welling
  • Helena Bukvova
  • Linus Nyman
  • Bo-Christer Björk
  • Turid Hedlund

Press/Media: Press / Media


A study of open-access publishing — published last week in the open-access journal PLoS ONE — has found that the number of papers in freely accessible journals is growing at a steady 20% per year (M. Laakso et al. 2011). To many, the growth confirms the health of the free-access, author-pays model. But to a few it is a discouraging sign that open access is not about to take over the world of scholarly publishing.


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Media coverage

  • TitleOpen access comes of age
    Degree of recognitionInternational
    Media name/outletNature
    Media typeWeb
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    DescriptionA study of open-access publishing — published last week in the open-access journal PLoS ONE — has found that the number of papers in freely accessible journals is growing at a steady 20% per year (M. Laakso et al. 2011). To many, the growth confirms the health of the free-access, author-pays model. But to a few it is a discouraging sign that open access is not about to take over the world of scholarly publishing.
    Producer/AuthorJohn Whitfield
    PersonsMikael Laakso, Patrik Welling, Helena Bukvova, Linus Nyman, Bo-Christer Björk, Turid Hedlund