Activities per year
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Norwegian University of Science and Technology (External organisation)
Liljeblom, E. (External reviewer of professorship)
05.2012 → 06.2012Activity: Membership › Assessment of candidates for academic posts
Evaluator of candidates for two positions as professor/ associate professor in Finance and Investment and in Microeconomics / Industrial Economics at the NTNU (External organisation)
Liljeblom, E. (Board member)
04.2012 → 06.2012Activity: Membership › Assessment of candidates for academic posts
Journal of Banking & Finance (Journal)
Liljeblom, E. (Associate Editor)
01.03.2012 → 31.03.2015Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Scientific journal
TEKES (External organisation)
Liljeblom, E. (Board member)
01.01.2012 → 31.12.2015Activity: Membership › Membership in special-interest organisation
2012 Annual Meeting of the Western Finance Association (Event)
Liljeblom, E. (Reviewer)
01.01.2012 → 07.01.2012Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Peer review / evaluation of conference papers
BI Norwegian Business School (External organisation)
Liljeblom, E. (External reviewer of professorship)
01.2012Activity: Membership › Assessment of candidates for academic posts
African Journal of Business Management (Journal)
Liljeblom, E. (Referee)
2012Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Scientific journal
Jönköping University (External organisation)
Liljeblom, E. (Board member)
2012Activity: Membership › Assessment of candidates for academic posts
British Journal of Management & Economics (Journal)
Liljeblom, E. (Referee)
2012Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Scientific journal
EFA Annual Meeting (Event)
Liljeblom, E. (Reviewer)
2012Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Peer review / evaluation of conference papers
2012 Auckland Finance Meeting (Event)
Liljeblom, E. (Reviewer)
2012Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Peer review / evaluation of conference papers
Evaluating research propositions for the Estonian Science Foundation (External organisation)
Liljeblom, E. (Reviewer)
12.2011Activity: Membership › Membership in review committee
18th Annual Conference of the Mutinational Finance Society (MFS)
Liljeblom, E. (Speaker: Presenter)
26.06.2011 → 28.06.2011Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Organisation of / participation in conferences, workshops, courses, seminars
2011 Annual Meetings of European Financial Management Association (EEFA)
Liljeblom, E. (Speaker: Presenter)
22.06.2011 → 25.06.2011Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Organisation of / participation in conferences, workshops, courses, seminars
Municipality Finance (External organisation)
Liljeblom, E. (Chair)
01.03.2011 → 22.03.2016Activity: Membership › Membership of body in private company/organisation
Norges forskningsråd, Medlem i programstyret för SKATT (External organisation)
Liljeblom, E. (Board member)
23.02.2011 → 31.12.2014Activity: Membership › Membership in academic committee, council, board
The Research Council of Norway (External organisation)
Liljeblom, E. (Board member)
23.02.2011 → 2017Activity: Membership › Membership in academic committee, council, board
University of Oulu (External organisation)
Liljeblom, E. (Reviewer)
2011Activity: Membership › Assessment of candidates for academic posts
Stockmann Oyj (External organisation)
Liljeblom, E. (Board member)
2011 → …Activity: Membership › Membership of body in private company/organisation
Corporate Board: role, duties and composition (Journal)
Liljeblom, E. (Member of editorial board)
2011 → 2019Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Scientific journal
Mutual Insurance Company Fennia (External organisation)
Liljeblom, E. (Board member)
2011Activity: Membership › Membership of body in private company/organisation
State Pension Fund - Global, Norway (External organisation)
Liljeblom, E. (Expert member)
2011Activity: Membership › Membership of body in private company/organisation
Turku School of Economics (External organisation)
Liljeblom, E. (Reviewer)
2011Activity: Membership › Assessment of candidates for academic posts
Catella Property (External organisation)
Liljeblom, E. (Board member)
2011Activity: Membership › Membership of body in private company/organisation
ABS Finland (External organisation)
Liljeblom, E. (Chair)
2011Activity: Membership › Membership in special-interest organisation
European Finance Association (External organisation)
Liljeblom, E. (Reviewer)
2011Activity: Membership › Membership in review committee
Arcada University of Applied Sciences (External organisation)
Liljeblom, E. (Board member)
2011Activity: Membership › Membership in special-interest organisation
Kansallista pääomamarkkinastrategiaa pohtivan työryhmän jäsen (External organisation)
Liljeblom, E. (Expert member)
2011Activity: Membership › Other task in private sector
International Journal of Production Economics (Journal)
Liljeblom, E. (Referee)
2011Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Scientific journal
Veikkaus Oy (External organisation)
Liljeblom, E. (Board member)
2011 → 2016Activity: Membership › Membership of body in private company/organisation
BI Norwegian Business School (External organisation)
Liljeblom, E. (Reviewer)
2011Activity: Membership › Assessment of candidates for academic posts
The Finnish State Nuclear Waste Management Fund (External organisation)
Liljeblom, E. (Chair)
2011Activity: Membership › Membership of body in private company/organisation
Emerging Markets Finance and Trade (Journal)
Liljeblom, E. (Referee)
2011Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Scientific journal
Journal of Banking & Finance (Journal)
Liljeblom, E. (Referee)
2011Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Scientific journal
Nordic journal of Surveying and Real Estate Research (Journal)
Liljeblom, E. (Member of editorial board)
2011 → …Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Scientific journal
Kirkon keskusrahaston eläkerahasto (External organisation)
Liljeblom, E. (Board member)
2011Activity: Membership › Membership of body in private company/organisation
Journal of Public Economics (Journal)
Liljeblom, E. (Referee)
2011Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Scientific journal
European Financial Management Association (EFMA) (External organisation)
Liljeblom, E. (Reviewer)
2011Activity: Membership › Membership in review committee
Umeå University (External organisation)
Liljeblom, E. (Reviewer)
2011Activity: Membership › Assessment of candidates for academic posts
Municipality Finance (External organisation)
Liljeblom, E. (Chair)
2011 → …Activity: Membership › Membership of body in private company/organisation
Western Finance Association, Member of the 2011 Program Committee (External organisation)
Liljeblom, E. (Reviewer)
2011Activity: Membership › Membership in review committee
Journal of Banking & Finance (Journal)
Liljeblom, E. (Associate Editor)
2011 → 2015Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Scientific journal
State Pension Fund - Global, Norway (External organisation)
Liljeblom, E. (Board member)
01.09.2010 → 30.11.2010Activity: Membership › Membership in academic committee, council, board
2010 Annual Meetings of European Financial Management association (EFMA)
Liljeblom, E. (Speaker: Presenter)
23.06.2010 → 26.06.2010Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Organisation of / participation in conferences, workshops, courses, seminars
2010 Annual Meetings of European Financial Management association (EFMA)
Liljeblom, E. (Speaker: Presenter)
23.06.2010 → 26.06.2010Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Organisation of / participation in conferences, workshops, courses, seminars
2010 FMA European Conference
Liljeblom, E. (Speaker: Presenter)
09.06.2010 → 11.06.2010Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Organisation of / participation in conferences, workshops, courses, seminars
The 12th Annual SNEE European Integration Conference, Mölle, 19-20.5.2010.
Liljeblom, E. (Attendee)
19.05.2010 → 20.05.2010Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Organisation of / participation in conferences, workshops, courses, seminars
University of Copenhagen
Liljeblom, E. (Visit abroad)
05.05.2010Activity: Visiting an external institution › Visit to other institution
EFA 2010,2011,2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 conference (Event)
Liljeblom, E. (Reviewer)
06.03.2010 → 02.04.2015Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Peer review / evaluation of conference papers
Veikkaus Oy (External organisation)
Liljeblom, E. (Board member)
01.03.2010 → …Activity: Membership › Membership of body in private company/organisation