Activities per year
- 1 - 50 out of 145 results
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Toward an attribution right of the employee's trade secrets
Nari Lee (Speaker) & Niklas Bruun (Speaker)
19.10.2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
41st ATRIP Congress
Nari Lee (Speaker: Chair) & Niklas Bruun (Speaker: Presenter)
09.07.2023 → 12.07.2023Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Organisation of / participation in conferences, workshops, courses, seminars
Fairness in Trade, Investment and IP
Nari Lee (Chair of organizing committee), Dhanay Cadillo (Member of organizing committee), Daniel Jongsma (Attendee), Mikko Johannes Antikainen (Attendee), Annette Kur (Speaker: Keynote) & Niklas Bruun (Attendee)
28.11.2018 → 29.11.2018Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Organisation of / participation in conferences, workshops, courses, seminars
File -
Labour law Protection of Trainees
Niklas Bruun (Pre-examiner of doctoral thesis manuscript)
02.12.2017Activity: Examination › Official participation in PhD thesis supervision, defence and examination
Arbetsgivarbegreppet och arbetsrättsligt absvar i komplexa arbetsorganisationer
Niklas Bruun (Pre-examiner of doctoral thesis manuscript)
30.05.2017Activity: Examination › Official participation in PhD thesis supervision, defence and examination
Kauppaoikeuden dogmit - pysyviä ja muuttuvia
Niklas Bruun (Speaker)
16.05.2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Ophavsret og ytringsfrihet
Niklas Bruun (Pre-examiner of doctoral thesis manuscript)
03.05.2017Activity: Examination › Official participation in PhD thesis supervision, defence and examination
Vetenskapsrådet, Scientific Council (External organisation)
Niklas Bruun (Reviewer)
01.01.2017 → 31.12.2019Activity: Membership › Membership in review committee
Stockholm University (External organisation)
Niklas Bruun (External reviewer of assistant professor)
09.2016 → 10.2016Activity: Membership › Assessment of candidates for academic posts
Tilburg University
Niklas Bruun (Visit abroad)
31.08.2016 → 01.09.2016Activity: Visiting an external institution › Visit to other institution
Stockholm University (External organisation)
Niklas Bruun (External reviewer of assistant professor)
01.08.2016 → 03.11.2016Activity: Membership › Assessment of candidates for academic posts
Leiden University
Niklas Bruun (Visit abroad)
21.04.2016 → 22.04.2016Activity: Visiting an external institution › Visit to other institution
Stockholm University
Niklas Bruun (Visit abroad)
01.01.2016 → 31.12.2016Activity: Visiting an external institution › Visit to other institution
University of Strasbourg
Niklas Bruun (Visit abroad)
2016Activity: Visiting an external institution › Visit to other institution
PhD-thesis defence and examination
Niklas Bruun (Opponent at public defence of doctoral thesis)
21.11.2015Activity: Examination › Official participation in PhD thesis supervision, defence and examination
PhD-thesis defence and examination as pre-examiner
Niklas Bruun (Opponent at public defence of doctoral thesis)
03.10.2015Activity: Examination › Official participation in PhD thesis supervision, defence and examination
Niklas Bruun (Pre-examiner of doctoral thesis manuscript)
01.09.2015 → 31.01.2016Activity: Examination › Official participation in PhD thesis supervision, defence and examination
Participation in thesis defence and examination
Niklas Bruun (Member of thesis committee)
12.06.2015Activity: Examination › Official participation in PhD thesis supervision, defence and examination
Jan Rosen
Niklas Bruun (Host)
09.06.2015 → 10.06.2015Activity: Hosting a visitor › Hosted academic visit at Hanken
Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago-Kent Clollege of Law
Niklas Bruun (Visit abroad)
10.04.2015 → 15.04.2015Activity: Visiting an external institution › Visit to other institution
Evaluation of Competence for Docent
Niklas Bruun (Reviewer)
01.09.2014 → 15.09.2014Activity: Examination › Official participation in PhD thesis supervision, defence and examination
Evaluation of competence - lecturer
Niklas Bruun (Reviewer)
20.05.2014 → 31.05.2014Activity: Examination › Official participation in PhD thesis supervision, defence and examination
Examination of Doctoral thesis
Niklas Bruun (Opponent at public defence of doctoral thesis)
02.04.2014Activity: Examination › Official participation in PhD thesis supervision, defence and examination
Opponent (Examiner)
Niklas Bruun (Opponent / external reviewer of doctoral thesis)
09.12.2013Activity: Examination › Official participation in PhD thesis supervision, defence and examination
Opponent (examiner)
Niklas Bruun (Opponent at public defence of doctoral thesis)
30.08.2013Activity: Examination › Official participation in PhD thesis supervision, defence and examination
Faculty of Law, Lund (External organisation)
Niklas Bruun (External reviewer of other positions)
07.2013Activity: Membership › Assessment of candidates for academic posts
Turun yliopisto, Faculty of Law (External organisation)
Niklas Bruun (External reviewer of professorship)
05.2013Activity: Membership › Assessment of candidates for academic posts
Review Committee (External organisation)
Niklas Bruun (Board member)
01.04.2013 → 30.09.2013Activity: Membership › Membership in review committee
NIR : Nordiskt immateriellt rättsskydd (Journal)
Niklas Bruun (Member of editorial board)
2013 → …Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Scientific journal
Committee of Freedom of Association (CFA) (External organisation)
Niklas Bruun (Expert member)
2012 → 2014Activity: Membership › Membership in public organization
Niklas Bruun (Degree Supervisor)
09.12.2011Activity: Examination › Official participation in PhD thesis supervision, defence and examination
Suomen Tieteen tila ja taso 2012: Oikeustieteiden työpaja
Niklas Bruun (Attendee)
19.09.2011Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Organisation of / participation in conferences, workshops, courses, seminars
Villmanstrands tekniska universitet (External organisation)
Niklas Bruun (Reviewer)
01.08.2011Activity: Membership › Assessment of candidates for academic posts
OKM:n tekijänoikeusneuvoston juhlaseminaari
Niklas Bruun (Speaker: Presenter)
10.03.2011Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Lecture for general public
EU:n työoikeuden erikoiskurssi
Niklas Bruun (Speaker: Presenter)
09.03.2011Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Lecture for general public
ILO:s föreningsfrihetskommitté (External organisation)
Niklas Bruun (Expert member)
2011 → 2013Activity: Membership › Membership in special-interest organisation
Upphovsrättskommittén (External organisation)
Niklas Bruun (Chair)
01.03.2010 → 31.12.2011Activity: Membership › Membership in public organization
Riksdagen (External organisation)
Niklas Bruun (Expert member)
01.01.2010 → 31.12.2010Activity: Membership › Membership in special-interest organisation
Undervisnings ministeriet (External organisation)
Niklas Bruun (Chair)
01.01.2010 → 31.12.2010Activity: Membership › Membership in special-interest organisation
Linköping University (External organisation)
Niklas Bruun (Expert member)
2010Activity: Membership › Assessment of candidates for academic posts
FORMULA (External organisation)
Niklas Bruun (Expert member)
2010 → 2012Activity: Membership › Membership in research network
The Finnish Centre of Excellence in the Foundations of European Law and Polity Research (External organisation)
Niklas Bruun (Expert member)
2010 → 2012Activity: Membership › Membership in research network
University of Copenhagen (External organisation)
Niklas Bruun (Expert member)
2010Activity: Membership › Assessment of candidates for academic posts
ELLN (External organisation)
Niklas Bruun (Expert member)
2010 → 2012Activity: Membership › Membership in research network
University of Copenhagen (External organisation)
Niklas Bruun (Expert member)
2010Activity: Membership › Assessment of candidates for academic posts
Justitsieministeriet (External organisation)
Niklas Bruun (Board member)
01.01.2009 → 31.12.2009Activity: Membership › Membership in special-interest organisation
Patent- och registreringsverket (External organisation)
Niklas Bruun (Chair)
01.2009 → 12.2009Activity: Membership › Membership in special-interest organisation
EU & Arbetsrätt (Journal)
Niklas Bruun (Member of editorial board)
2009 → 2015Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Scientific journal
Suomalainen Lakiyhdistys
Niklas Bruun (Speaker: Presenter)
2009Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Organisation of / participation in conferences, workshops, courses, seminars
International Conference: International Labour standards
Niklas Bruun (Speaker: Presenter)
2009Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Organisation of / participation in conferences, workshops, courses, seminars