Project Details
The rise of China and India as Asia’s newest economic powerhouses has reignited the debate on the role of the state in economic development of developing countries. Both South Korea and Taiwan followed the Japanese model of economic development by involving the state in economic development. In Singapore and Malaysia, the state also played a prominent role in economic development. On the other hand, India since 1991, has allowed the market focus to play a greater than before. But in both India and China the state continues to play a preponderant role in economic development. Thus in both countries, while the role of market forces in economic development has greatly increased, the state’ s involvement in economic development has not disappeared but rather taken on new forms. Hence, the main issue to be discussed is what kind of role the state is required to play to achieve high growth and development outcomes for its citizens within its territory. To find an answer to this, one has to examine the role that the state played in the economic and social development process of highly successful and not so successful developing countries.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 01.09.2007 → 31.12.2010 |
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