Aktivt lärande och massföreläsningar – interaktivitet i och utanför föreläsningssalen

Mikael Laakso

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterScientificpeer-review


Engagement in learning activities enhance the level of learning among students. However, when class sizes grow, such engagement can be difficult to achieve. The learning methods that work well in small classes might not work as well, or even be practically feasible, in large lecture halls. When students remain anonymous and cannot be given individual attention there is a challenge in ensuring high quality learning. In an attempt to address this challenge, the study explores ways to pro- mote active learning in the context of large lecture classes. Based on a review of the fundamentals of active learning in the literature, this article presents a range of methods that can be used to facilitate active learning among students in larger classes. Concluding the article is a description of a practical implementation where some of the suggested learning activities are applied and discussed in the context of an actual university course at the Hanken School of Economics taught by the author.
Original languageSwedish
Title of host publication "Hur svårt kan det vara?" : En antologi om hur lärare inom högre utbildning förnyar undervisningen
EditorsMonica Londen, Åsa Mickwitz, Susanne Tiihonen
Place of PublicationHelsingfors
PublisherUniversity of Helsinki
Publication date2015
ISBN (Print)978-951-51-1478-5
ISBN (Electronic)978-951-51-1479-2
Publication statusPublished - 2015
MoE publication typeA3 Book chapter

Publication series

NameNordica Helsingiensia
PublisherNordica vid finska, finskugriska och nordiska institutionen, Helsingfors universitet
ISSN (Print)1795-4428


  • 516 Educational sciences

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