Characterizing customer experience management in business markets

Lars Witell*, Christian Kowalkowski, Helene Perks, Chris Raddats, Maria Schwabe, Ornella Benedettini, Jamie Burton

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

77 Citations (Scopus)


Managing the customer experience has become a top priority for marketing managers and researchers. Research on customer management experience (CEM) has traditionally adopted a customer’s viewpoint. Few studies have explicitly embraced an organizational perspective, and existing research focuses mainly on business-to-consumer settings. The present study espouses the utility of CEM in business-to-business (B2B) settings on the grounds that interactions in B2B contexts are also “experienced”. It explains how B2B firms can design and manage the customer experience to influence the customer at different touchpoints. The paper develops a comprehensive framework that characterizes CEM in B2B. The paper articulates key challenges for B2B CEM; relationship expectations (mismatches in customer relationships, siloed customer experiences); actor interaction issues (mismatches across the customer’s journey, lack of touchpoint control); and temporal challenges (dynamics of the customer experience). The paper draws out the theoretical implications and develops managerial implications for B2B firms.
Original languageEnglish
Peer-reviewed scientific journalJournal of Business Research
Publication statusPublished - 04.12.2019
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article - refereed


  • 512 Business and Management
  • Customer experience management
  • Customer journey
  • Market strategy
  • B2B
  • Touchpoint


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