”Do no harm”: Ethics, management and research projects

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterProfessional


Research is a lot about of ideas, theories, methods, data, analysis – and it is
also about ethics. Indeed, I see ethics as part of methods and methodology,
not an optional add-on. As I have done more research and writing, both within
and outside funded projects, I have become more and more convinced of the
importance of how research is managed (McKie et al., 2006), and how ethical
issues are central in that managing. This is not just about doing good research,
but is part of the politics of research, and vital for the maintenance of re-
searchers’ well-being. Some of this realisation has come from the manage-
ment, managing, leading and supervision of research and research projects, as
well as doctoral research studies; and some from being managed by others.
The ethical invocation, “do no harm”, not only concerns the carrying out of
research with ‘research subjects’ – as in interviewing, observations, surveys –
important as that obviously is; however, it should be stressed that ethics, and
“do no harm”, also concern the whole activity of research and research pro-
jects, their focus, managing and social process.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationHenkilöstöjohtamisen professori Anna-Maija Lämsän juhlakirja
EditorsSuvi Heikkinen , Marjo Siltaoja
Number of pages9
Place of PublicationJyväskylä
PublisherJyväskylän yliopisto
Publication date2022
ISBN (Print)978-951-39-9344-3
ISBN (Electronic)978-951-39-9343-6
Publication statusPublished - 2022
MoE publication typeD2 Article in a professional reserarch book (incl. editor's introduction, manuals, guides)

Publication series

Publisher Jyväskylän yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu
ISSN (Print)1799-3059


  • 512 Business and Management
  • ethics
  • research

Areas of Strength and Areas of High Potential (AoS and AoHP)

  • AoS: Responsible organising


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