Introduction: Does knowledge have a gender?

Sofia Strid, Jeff Hearn, Dag Balkmar, Louise Morley

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterProfessional

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationDoes Knowledge Have a Gender?: A Festschrift for Liisa Husu on Gender, Science and Academia
EditorsSofia Strid, Dag Balkmar, Jeff Hearn, Louise Morley
Number of pages6
Place of PublicationÖrebro
PublisherÖrebro universitet
Publication date2020
ISBN (Print)978-91-87789-36-6
ISBN (Electronic)978-91-87789-37-3
Publication statusPublished - 2020
MoE publication typeD2 Article in a professional reserarch book (incl. editor's introduction, manuals, guides)


  • 514,1 Sociology

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