Using Data to Guide Decisions for Cash-Based Interventions: UNHCR's Needs and Market Assessment Approach

Russell Harpring, Giulio Andrea Franco

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterScientificpeer-review


Cash-based interventions are a means to provide refugee populations with resources to meet their own needs in an autonomous way. Yet, markets must be functioning, accessible, and expandable enough for refugees to utilize them. Situational information, including demographic information regarding the population of concern, provides the context to ground the project in. An assessment of needs will identify what is needed, how much, and by whom. This information will guide the market assessment to determine if the market has the capacity to absorb additional demand for the goods/services within the intervention scope. This chapter aims to provide a review of how data is used to guide the decision-making process of whether to implement CBI projects and the methods involved during the needs assessment and market analysis. This is followed by a practical example demonstrating how data can be used for decision making for a CBI project in Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAnalytics, Operations, and Strategic Decision Making in the Public Sector
EditorsGerald William Evans, William E. Biles, Ki-Hwan G. Bae
Number of pages28
Place of PublicationHershey, PA
PublisherIGI Global
Publication date2019
ISBN (Print)9781522575917, 9781522588603
ISBN (Electronic)9781522575924
Publication statusPublished - 2019
MoE publication typeA3 Book chapter

Publication series

NameAdvances in Public Policy and Administration (APPA)
PublisherIGI Global
ISSN (Print)2475-6644
ISSN (Electronic)2475-6652


  • 512 Business and Management
  • 519 Social and economic geography


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