Opponent for Kjetil Thengs 90% seminar at Universitetet i Stavanger

  • Mäkinen, M. (Förhandsgranskare av manuskript till doktorsavhandling)

Aktivitet: ExaminationOfficiellt deltagande i handledning av doktorsavhandling, disputation, examination


In Norway, the PhD candidate submits the thesis for public inspection during the final year, but before the actual defense. This so called 90% seminar ha stwo components: first the candidate delivers a short presentation of his/her thesis, and then the opponent presents critical questions and comments on the thesis. This 2-hour discussion is public. After that, the supervisors and opponents and the candidate have a lengthy meeting for a further discussion of the thesis.

Title of thesis: English medieval documents of the North-West Midlands
ExaminandKjetil Thengs
Examination vid
  • University of Stavanger