Beräknat baserat på antal publikationer som lagrats i Pure och citeringar från Scopus
Beräknat baserat på antal publikationer som lagrats i Pure och citeringar från Scopus
Beräknat baserat på antal publikationer som lagrats i Pure och citeringar från Scopus

Forskningsoutput per år

Personlig profil


Nari Lee is the professor intellectual property at Hanken School of Economics and the deputy director of the IPR University center. She has joined Hanken faculty in 2012. She has studied law at Ewha Womans University in Korea and at Kyushu University, Japan (LL.M), and holds a Ph.D from University of Eastern Finland and Doctor of Laws (LL.D) degree from Kyushu University, Japan. Since 1996, she has researched and taught in the area of intellectual property and international trade in universities in Europe, Asia and USA. Her research experience includes post of an affiliated research fellow at Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property and Competition in Munich, Germany (2012-2014), Research Visitor at University of Cambridge (2016), Senior Global Hauser Fellow at New York University (NYU) Law School (2017). In 2019 Spring, she served as a Designated Professor, at the Center for Asian Legal Exchange at Nagoya University, Japan and in 2019 Spring-Summer as Research Visitor at Center for IP and Information Law (University of Cambridge).  


  • Personalized medicine, Pharmaceutical Innovation and IP law 
  • Fairness, Morality and Intellectual Property
  • Open and Alternative Innovation Regimes and Intellectual Property 
  • Disruptive Innovations (e.g. 3DP, AIs, Biogenetic technology) and intellectual property law and policy 
  • Trade Secret Protection and IP law 

Information om utbildning

Juris doktor, Kyushu University, Japan, 2002

Information om examen

Doctor of Philosophy, (Ph.D.) University of Eastern Finland. 2010

Externa befattningar

Research Visitor, University of Cambridge


Designated Professor, Nagoya University


Senior Global Research Fellow, New York University


Research Visitor , University of Cambridge



  • 513 Juridik


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