Short list for the European Group of Organization studies (EGOs) book award

  • Cleland Silva, Tricia (Mottagare)

Pris: Priser och utmärkelser


The EGOS Book Award seeks to celebrate the linguistic diversity of scholarship in the field of organization studies performed with the depth and richness of detail afforded by a monograph. It's granted annually to an authored book (no edited volumes or textbooks qualify), published in the three previous years – for 2019: books published in 2016, 2017, and 2018 – in a language spoken by EGOSians, which makes an original contribution to the knowledge about organizations, organizing, and the organized.

Tilldelat vid evenemang

EvenemangstitelEGOS Awards Ceremony at the 35th EGOS Colloquium 2020 in Edinburgh, Scotland
