Projekt per år
In an era increasingly characterised by multifaceted crises, ranging from climate change and pandemics to geopolitical conflicts such as the Ukraine-Russia war and tensions in Gaza, country emergency preparedness has been starkly challenged. The impact of such crises is such, that even developed countries find themselves unable to meet the essential needs of affected populations promptly and effectively. This situation underscores a critical gap: the preparedness of first responders, including governmental agencies, military, businesses, and humanitarian organisations, is insufficient without the robust support of local trained volunteers, particularly in logistics capabilities, as logistics is at the centre of any disaster relief operation.
Nordic countries, renowned for their high-level flexible volunteer work, not only add value to the local economy, but also contribute to the national emergency response and resilience. However, the logistics competencies of these volunteers, central to effective disaster preparedness and response, remain underexplored in this region. VOL-PREP explores gaps in volunteering programs for country emergency preparedness, particularly in logistics, to propose a Framework that can be integrated into national emergency preparedness strategies of associated first disaster relief responders and businesses, enhancing both core competencies and community resilience within the Nordic context.
Nordic countries, renowned for their high-level flexible volunteer work, not only add value to the local economy, but also contribute to the national emergency response and resilience. However, the logistics competencies of these volunteers, central to effective disaster preparedness and response, remain underexplored in this region. VOL-PREP explores gaps in volunteering programs for country emergency preparedness, particularly in logistics, to propose a Framework that can be integrated into national emergency preparedness strategies of associated first disaster relief responders and businesses, enhancing both core competencies and community resilience within the Nordic context.
Kort titel | Vol-Prep |
Status | Pågående |
Gällande start-/slutdatum | 01.11.2024 → 31.12.2026 |
- Hanken Svenska handelshögskolan (huvudsaklig)
- Jönköping University
FN:s hållbara utvecklingsmål
År 2015 godkände FN:s medlemsstater 17 globala mål för en hållbar utveckling, för att utrota fattigdomen, skydda planeten och garantera välstånd för alla. Projektet bidrar till följande hållbara utvecklingsmål:
Utforska forskningsämnen som berörs av detta projekt. Dessa etiketter genereras baserat på underliggande ansökningar/anslag. Tillsammans bildar de ett unikt fingeravtryck.
- 1 Slutfört
Swedish Red Cross Logistics Review and Analysis
Vega Bernal, D. (Ansvarig forskare (PI)), Kovacs, G. (Projektdeltagare), Maghsoudi, A. (Projektdeltagare), Yan, Q. (Projektdeltagare) & Ruiz Kaneberg, E. (Projektdeltagare)
16.10.2023 → 15.12.2023
Projekt: Externt finansierat projekt