A common vision and roadmap for a hydrogen economy in Ostrobothnia: Work package 3 of the H2 Ecosystem Roadmap -project

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The goal of transitioning to a climate-neutral and sustainable society is a key driver for both public and private actors to collaborate on finding new alternatives to the current energy system. The fossil-based system must be replaced by a combination of different clean and renewable alternatives. Green hydrogen can have a significant role in enabling this transition, especially in the decarbonization of otherwise hard-to-abate sectors and as a link coupling different industries together.

Some of the pioneering projects that have to date been initiated and, once realized, will have a significant impact on the development of the hydrogen economy in the region of Ostrobothnia include the demonstration of energy system flexibility (H-Flex-E led by EPV), carbon capture and synthetic fuel production (EnergySAMPO CCU, led by Westenergy), green steel production (HYBRIT led by SSAB), as well as building large scale wind power and methane production plants along the west-coast (such as the CPC Finland led project
in Kristinestad) and infrastructure for hydrogen transmission (Nordic Hydrogen Route led by Gasgrid Finland).

The roadmap presented in this work package is a description of the opportunities and key issues related to the development of a hydrogen economy in the region of Ostrobothnia.

Different actors across sectors will need to work together, including companies, education and research institutions, as well as public authorities and development organizations.

Based on the project work we give several recommendations for different regional actors to support the development of a hydrogen economy in Ostrobothnia:

• Local decision-makers should put focus on determining the role of hydrogen in municipal and regional strategies and include it as one piece in the puzzle toward climate neutrality. The strategic focus should be combined with directing public funding accordingly.

• Business leaders in pioneering projects are encouraged to be transparent and involve local stakeholders (suppliers, researchers, and public authorities) already in the development process, so that knowledge can accumulate in the region among a broad base of actors.

• There are specific knowledge needs that research and education institutions in the region should respond to. Building a demonstration environment where hydrogen as part of the larger energy system can be studied is one of the areas that should be prioritized. Other important areas include the business models related to the hydrogen economy and developing knowledge of hydrogen safety and standards.

• An actor that coordinates the hydrogen development activities in the region and a structure that continuously supports these activities should be defined. We suggest that the regional development companies establish a Hydrogen Ostrobothnia team that can coordinate activities in the region and do matchmaking between different actors, so that concrete new pilot and demonstration projects related to hydrogen are started. 
Antal sidor71
StatusPublicerad - 2022
MoE-publikationstypD4 Publicerad utvecklings- eller forskningsrapport eller -utredning


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