Advertising old men: Swedish old men reflect on "seeing themselves”

Karin Lövgren, Linn Sandberg, Jeff Hearn

Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/rapport/konferenshandlingKapitelVetenskapligPeer review

1 Citeringar (Scopus)


Adverts tell a story and comprise images that old men encounter in their everyday lives, and which provide popular scripts on ageing masculinity. This chapter focuses on old men’s own understandings of advertising and their depictions of old men. Focus group interviews with Swedish old men, aged between 65 and 92, were conducted, with commercial adverts featuring old men used as visual prompts to invite discussions on masculinity and ageing. The advertising shown reflects both negative and overtly ageist images, and images of the so-called successfully ageing old man; adverts appealing to identification and aspiration, adverts inciting laughter and appreciation, and adverts creating a sense of resistance or rejection. Different readings of the shown adverts emerged, which point to the polysemic nature of media texts. The chapter discusses prominent themes from the transcribed and coded focus group interviews, on embodied ageing, ageing in different stages of life, masculinity and societal changes in terms of gender equality and the role and status of old men.
Titel på värdpublikationAgeing and the Media : International Perspectives
RedaktörerVirpi Ylänne
Antal sidor17
FörlagPolicy press
ISBN (tryckt)978-1-4473-6203-6
ISBN (elektroniskt)978-1-4473-6206-7, 978-1-4473-6205-0
StatusPublicerad - 2022
MoE-publikationstypA3 Del av bok eller annat samlingsverk


NamnAgeing in a global context


  • 518 Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap

Styrkeområden och områden med hög potential (AoS och AoHP)

  • AoS: Ansvarsfull organisering


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