Forestry Extractivism in Uruguay

Markus Kröger, Maria Ehrnström-Fuentes

Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/rapport/konferenshandlingKapitelVetenskapligPeer review

3 Citeringar (Scopus)


This chapter assesses how prominent definitions of (agro)extractivism are suited to explain forestry extractivism, and what are the shared and particular qualities of forestry extractivism as it manifests itself in large-scale tree monocultures for pulp production in Uruguay. Different definitions of (agro)extractivism are assessed. Forestry extractivism is one distinct form of agroextractivism, with some notable differences. Key features of forestry extractivism include: 1) Specific trade deals, as pulp investments are costly. 2) Long-term setting-up through stages: master plans; enclosures; establishing pulp mills; managing rising conflicts after the building. 3) Mills and plantations. 4) Ecological and carbon impacts. 5) Massive legitimization campaigns. This analysis should be accompanied by a global political economic and resource geopolitics analysis of particular global extractivisms, such as forestry. This should also be tied to particular contexts, polities and lived environments, which significantly influence especially the politics through which global extractivisms of different types are birthed and resisted. In here, what constitutes forestry extractivism in the context, polity and sector of Uruguayan pulpwood tree plantation expansion is analyzed. World-ecological and political ontological analyses are important for defining what activities should be called extractivist, and what types of extractivisms of what are involved in each activity.
Titel på värdpublikationAgrarian Extractivism in Latin America
RedaktörerBen M. McKay, Alberto Alonso-Fradejas, Arturo Ezquerro-Cañete
Antal sidor22
UtgivningsortAbingdon, Oxon
ISBN (tryckt)978-0-367-42254-7, 978-1-032-00607-9
ISBN (elektroniskt)978-0-367-82295-8
StatusPublicerad - 2021
MoE-publikationstypA3 Del av bok eller annat samlingsverk


  • 411,2 Skogsvetenskap
  • 511 Nationalekonomi
  • 512 Företagsekonomi


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