title = "H{\"a}lsningar till beslutsfattare: {\"A}ldre personers perspektiv och behov b{\"o}r beaktas b{\"a}ttre i digitaliseringen av tj{\"a}nster : Policy brief 2023",
abstract = "English title: 'Greetings to decision makers: Older people's perspectives and needs should be better taken into account in the digitalization of services'. Policy brief for policy makers. ",
keywords = "514,2 Social- och samh{\"a}llspolitik, digital age, digital sustainability, age, policy, social policy, older people",
author = "Charlotta Niemist{\"o} and Hanna Sj{\"o}gren and Jeff Hearn and Emma Tikkanen",
note = "EqualCare project",
year = "2023",
language = "Svenska",
publisher = "Hanken School of Economics",
address = "Finland",