En el presente artículo1 se describen las estrategias de codificación de la pose-sión nominal en la extinta lengua mochica según la descripción gramatical preparada por Fernando de la Carrera (1644). Algunas lenguas presentan construcciones posesivas que tratan ciertos grupos de nombres de manera particular, fenómeno conocido como ‘escisión posesiva’.2 La lengua mochica exhibe una distinción especial de inalienabilidad3 identificable no como un estricto sistema bipartito, sino más bien como un continuum formal que se corresponde icónicamente con la distancia relacional (conceptual) entre el poseedor y el objeto poseído. Así, en un extremo del continuo se ubica la construcción posesiva más arcaica del sistema, es decir, la correspondiente a posesión inalienable, mientras en el otro se ubican las construcciones de posesión alienable, es decir, las más innovadoras.
In this article, I analyze the strategies of coding nominal possession in Mochica, as described by Carrera (1644). Some languages present possessive systems that treat certain groups of nouns in different manners, this phenomenon being known as ‘possessive split’. Mochica exhibits a special inalienability split that cannot be identified as a strict bipartite system, but rather as a formal continuum which corresponds iconically to the relational distance (conceptual) between the possessor and the possessed. This way, on one end of the continuum we have the most archaic possessive construction, which corresponds to inalienable possession, while the most innovative possessive constructions, which correspond to alienable possession, are located on the other end.
In this article, I analyze the strategies of coding nominal possession in Mochica, as described by Carrera (1644). Some languages present possessive systems that treat certain groups of nouns in different manners, this phenomenon being known as ‘possessive split’. Mochica exhibits a special inalienability split that cannot be identified as a strict bipartite system, but rather as a formal continuum which corresponds iconically to the relational distance (conceptual) between the possessor and the possessed. This way, on one end of the continuum we have the most archaic possessive construction, which corresponds to inalienable possession, while the most innovative possessive constructions, which correspond to alienable possession, are located on the other end.
Bidragets översatta titel | Nominal possession in the Mochica language |
Originalspråk | Spanska (Peru) |
Artikelnummer | 5 |
Referentgranskad vetenskaplig tidskrift | Indiana |
Volym | 37 |
Nummer | 1 |
Sidor (från-till) | 101-128 |
Antal sidor | 28 |
ISSN | 0341-8642 |
DOI | |
Status | Publicerad - 01.06.2020 |
MoE-publikationstyp | A1 Originalartikel i en vetenskaplig tidskrift |
- 612,1 Språkvetenskaper