Re-conceptualizing consumption as if nature mattered: Insights from ecological economics

Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/rapport/konferenshandlingKonferensbidragVetenskapligPeer review


This is a study of how consumption is conceptualized with regards to nature. Using the multidisciplinary field of ecological economics and the work of one of the leading ecological economists Herman Daly, as a theoretical framework, this study finds that the standard mainstream neoclassical economic theory (which mainstream marketing theory is also informed by) has disconnected concepts such as consumption and production from nature and the physical world. Since this disconnection has happened only in theory, not in reality, a re-conceptualization of consumption as connected with the biophysical reality is suggested, one that starts with replacing the preanalytic vision of neoclassical economics with the vision of ecological economics, one that reconnects consumption and value with the environment and the physical world that sustains them. Without doing this, consumption will remain a misleading concept, making it ever more difficult for marketing to take issues of sustainability seriously and to create value for all stakeholders, or even for customers in the longer run.
Titel på värdpublikationProceedings of the 37th Annual Macromarketing Conference : Sustainable Development of Markets and Marketing Systems in a Globalized World
RedaktörerMichaela Haase, Michael Kleinaltenkamp
Antal sidor4
FörlagMacromarketing Society
ISBN (elektroniskt)978-3-941240-50-6
StatusPublicerad - 13.06.2012
MoE-publikationstypA4 Artikel i en konferenspublikation
EvenemangThe 37th Annual Macromarketing Conference - Berlin, Tyskland
Varaktighet: 13.06.201216.06.2012
Konferensnummer: 37


  • 520 Övriga samhällsvetenskaper
  • KOTA2012


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