Understanding Customer Attributes by merging QFD and Kano Analysis: A Case Study of Private Pump Company in Gujranwala-Pakistan

Farrukh Iqbal, Muhammad Ahmad

Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/rapport/konferenshandlingKonferensbidragVetenskapligPeer review


Customer satisfaction being the primary goal requires fulfilling the voice of customer, which
ultimately dictates the quality of a product or service. This research tends to go ahead of the mere requirements of customers. The main data collection has been done with the help of planning matrix of QFD by highlighting various customer attributes. To understand these attributes various methodologies proposed by (Chan & Wu, 2002) and (Magnusson, Kroslid, & Bergman, 2003) have been adopted. These attributes have been subsequently organized into Kano categories and adjusted with approximate transformation function proposed by (Tan & Shen, 2000). The aforementioned methodologies have been practically implemented in the current case of Private Company in Gujranwala, in which their main product ‘alpha’ has been evaluated. This certainly yields better understanding of Kano Analysis merged with QFD and come up with thought provoking results, conclusions and suggestion for forthcoming researchers.
Titel på värdpublikation2nd Annual Business Research Conference Lahore School of Economics : Managing Business in Pakistan: Challenges & Opportunities
StatusPublicerad - 27.05.2014
MoE-publikationstypA4 Artikel i en konferenspublikation


  • 512 Företagsekonomi


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