Using retroduction to build logistics knowledge

    Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/rapport/konferenshandlingKonferensbidragVetenskapligPeer review


    Purpose of this paper
    The aim of this paper is to increase the understanding of the use of different research approaches in logistics and supply chain management. Particular attention is paid to the use of abduction and retroduction.
    Explicit content analysis is applied in the research, looking at articles published in IJLM, IJPDLM and JBL in the period of 2003-2012.
    The explicit discussion of research approaches seems confined to review articles in logistics and supply chain management. However, research approaches are still rarely discussed in their application. Not surprisingly, retroduction is rarely mentioned, but its applicability is evaluated.
    Research limitations/implications
    Explicit content analysis limits the findings to the rare discussion of research approaches. The time frame of the research also delimits it, though findings are compared to previous research (with different time frames) on the topic.
    Retroduction as an argumentation type or research approach has not been discussed earlier in the field of logistics and SCM. This study therefore brings forth a new approach for conducting research that potentially can advance theory building and the maturity of the discipline. The paper elaborates on the multiple meanings of retroduction for logistics research and proposes a process framework of the retroductive research approach.
    Titel på värdpublikationNOFOMA 2012 – Proceedings of the 24th Annual Nordic Research Network Conference
    RedaktörerJuuso Töyli, Laura Johansson, Harri Lorentz, Lauri Ojala, Sini Laari
    ISBN (tryckt)978-952-249-204-3
    StatusPublicerad - 2012
    MoE-publikationstypA4 Artikel i en konferenspublikation
    Evenemang 2012 Annual Conference of Nordic Logistics Research Network (NOFOMA) - Naantali, Finland
    Varaktighet: 07.06.201208.06.2012
    Konferensnummer: 24


    • 512 Företagsekonomi
    • KOTA2012


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